SAFE 53X Branding Design
Find a world problem and create a new product that will convey a message about the issue.
Investigating many major and not quite significant problems, I learned that teenage pregnancy is considered one of the severe issues in the modern world. My idea was to create a campaign that would encourage teenagers to learn their body, sexuality, early sexual activity risks, and unwanted pregnancies. I designed an organization SAFE 53X that helps Prevent Teen Pregnancies. The SAFE 53X has a website, mobile app and effective social media marketing where teens can find information about safe sex, sex risks, birth control, and other tips to be healthy.

After discussions and feedback, I decided to go further with the first visual direction of the mobile application. For the first version of the app, I chose contrasting background; gradient of purple and white colors. The mobile application has the function of reminding teens to take pills, the function to add a user’s daily mood, a calendar to track the menstrual cycle and useful information about protected sex and unwanted pregnancy.

For the website, I chose a visually contrasting background; gradient of purple and white colors. On the white background, I placed all important information in bold sans-serif typeface with a reflecting effect and subtitles in smaller typeface size to create a visual hierarchy. Some of the information was placed on the purple background, but to create visual contrast and readability I used white color for the body copy. I used information about teen pregnancy risks and prevention that I found on websites. I also add some elements from the third version.

For the third deliverable I chose to create two motion graphics for social medias; Facebook and Instagram. I want to promote the website and mobile app on Instagram and Facebook, where is most concentrated and actively engaged my target audience. I want to utilize motion graphics and slideshow ads where I will inform teenagers about the risks of unwanted preg- nancy. I created one video for Facebook and one for Instagram. They both visually similar and have the same visual effects and type treatment. I used landscape video for the Instrgram, since in addition to upgrading the paltry 640 pixel square to a more robust 1080 on July 6, 2015, Instagram also added support for non- square images on 2016.